About general informatiol Write for Us Blockchain Guest Post

Write for Us Blockchain Guest Post: Write & Submit A Guest Post!


The article teaches the Write for Us Blockchain Guest Post writers the fundamentals of presenting their articles to the Indywood website in a concise manner.

Are you keenly interested in the current technological developments around the world? Can you explain the working principles of blockchain technology and its real-time application in an integrated and innovative manner? And if you have excellent writing skills and are looking for a good opportunity to showcase them, we are here to assist you via Write for Us Blockchain Guest Post articles. And we request all interested persons to read the upcoming sections of this article.

About our platform “indywood.org”

Our website Indywood.org is popular because it provides concise and clear information without dragging out the real content. And we are like the rivers, where we keep running towards the recent updates through the articles like Blockchain + Write for Us. Instead of sticking with the pre-existing notions of the world.

All these attributes helped us to reach many more hearts of the people, and we are proud of it. We continuously put forth efforts to enrich the knowledge level of our readers.

Our information-enriched articles are covered under these topics 

  • Product reviews
  • Website reviews
  • Latest news
  • Cryptocurrency exchanges
  • Gaming tips
  • Health
  • Shopping Tips

Desirable Qualities of the Write for Us Blockchain writers

The term “blockchain technology” can be seen in our daily newspapers, but the actual definition and workings of this technology are still rocket science for many people. Suppose we want to use the applications of blockchain technology. In that case, we need to understand some fundamental concepts about it so that we can be more vigilant and conscious about its applications. 

Thus, we are appealing to the “Write for Us” + Blockchain guest post contributors to share the article in a reader-friendly manner. Anyone can write pages and pages of information. But the real writer makes an extra effort to make things more straightforward for the readers.

Thus, our team needs a writer who can explain things understandably. For that to happen, the “Write for Us” + “Blockchain” guest post writer needs in-built skills and experience in blockchain technology.

Educational Qualification: The professionals who have completed their blockchain courses and the certified BC experts can share their valuable knowledge with our readers.

Skills Sets and Experience: The writers should be able to present high scholarly articles in simple English; we are not obsessed with any prior writing experience.

Write for Us + Blockchain Reference topics

The guest post authors have all the liberty to choose their topics, but here are some reference topics to aid the writers.

  • How to design a blockchain in an economically sound manner
  • The cost of creating blockchain and ways to protect it from hackers
  • A valuable and service-oriented application of blockchain
  • What are the current systems that have incorporated blockchain technology into their work?

Blockchain Write for Us Guidelines that must be followed

  • The article should be written in good, simple English; don’t stuff the article with too many technical terms, as that may make the article complex to read.
  • The guest post authors are not allowed to copy and steal some other authors’ work; we have the tool to find that, so kindly present the articles with 100 percent originality.
  • Write for Us+ Blockchain authors can use the popular grammar correction tool to correct their grammatical mistakes.
  • The articles should have proper subheadings for every 150 to 200 words; the writers should not dump the information under one heading.
  • Snippets and trivia facts are always appreciated because they pique the reader’s interest and encourage them to read the entire article.

“Write for Us” + Blockchain articles SEO guidelines

  • To get a good Google and SERP ranking, we are obligated to use SEO strategies in our articles. Thus, every author should include the necessary keywords in their articles.
  • Adding proper internal and external links helps us to increase our SEO score of the article, so every guest post author should implement these essential guidelines in their article.

Advantages for Blockchain + “Write for Us” writers 

  • All of our articles are optimized using SEO techniques to attract many readers.
  • We have a team of professional and skilled editors who will help the guest post writers who are new to SEO strategies. They will help with the usage of keywords and density.

How to submit the Blockchain “Write for Us” articles?

All the completed articles must be sent to us via this Email Address[[email protected]]. Even the authors can make multiple submissions, but it has to be about blockchain technology. 


Our platform has a writer-friendly culture and principle, so interested people can submit their works without having second thoughts. We have an editorial team to help the Write for Us Blockchain Guest Post writers. Thank you for being so enthusiastic about submitting the Blockchain articles to our platform.

Have you read the important guidelines? Comment if you have any questions.

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