Is Legit 2021

Is Legit [Mar] Read Review Thoroughly

Website Review
Is Legit [Mar] Read Review Thoroughly -> Is it safe to purchase any crockeries items from a newly created ecommerce website? Do read here if you want to know!

Hey guys! Read out the entire topics presented in this content to get the relevant information about Is Legit!

The crockery. is the newest web store in an ecommerce platform supplying crockery items to people around India.

As this online purchasing store very, new customers present all around are curious to read out the truth about this online store.

Well, if you are the one searching for full details of Thecrockery, then let us make you clear out all the doubts that you have regarding Thecrockery. in our content below!

So, without any further delay, let’s get into the investigation of Thecrockery!

Is Legit?

While our research, we found out the following facts about Thecrockery. In Portal. Please read below the points!

  • The web store is very new in an e-commerce site that got registered only three days ago, on the 13th of March 2021
  • The webshop trust score is very less, that is just one per cent meaning the store is not trustable 
  • The web store pages are not found on social media sites, and the icons present on the online page leads us directly to the home page of Instagram and Facebook 
  • Reviews are unavailable currently as no one had given their experience shopping with this store 
  • The online page of this Portal does not share-The store’s warehouse address and contact number 
  • No information regarding the ‘About Us’ section is shown on Thecrockery. in 
  • The website has uselessly giving discounts of 80%, 70% 60%, which seems to be unrealistic 

When we go through the above points, we can conclude that this store appears to be a dubious one.

What Is Thecrockery. In Portal?

Well, the name itself suggests Thecrockery. in is a web store supplying kitchen items like crockeries and cups. The web store was created on the 13th of March, 2021.

Besides knowing Is Legit, please check what Are People saying about this web store in the content beneath!

Besides crockeries, this store also offers a men’s shirt collection and gives fifty to eighty per cent off on all prepaid purchases. But as the website is only three days old, we cannot fully trust this store.

Specifications Of Thecrockery. in :

  • Thecrockery. in url link is
  • The store supplies all types of crockeries for the kitchen, including men’s wear
  • The store accepts payments through cards such as Visa, MasterCard, DISCOVER, American Express 
  • The web store domain creation date is the 13th of March 2021
  • The web store gives seven days returns option 
  • The web store provides a refund within fourteen working days.
  • The website email address is [email protected]

Well, we already discussed above about Is Legit so please read further to get an idea what Are it’s reviews!

Pros Of Thecrockery. in:

  • The web store offers all crockeries items
  • The web store provides a refund within four days 
  • The web store gives enormous discounts to customers on every product 

Cons Of Thecrockery. in:

  • The web store is very recently created 
  • The store has a meagre trust score of one per cent 
  • The web store lacks an About Us page on the online page
  • The web store has restricted returns of only seven days
  • The web store is unavailable on Instagram and Facebook 
  • The webshop dosen’t displays the address of the webstore neither they had given its contact number 
  • The website lacks any views by customers online

What Is Reviews Shared By Buyers?

We already said that while researching Thecrockery, we realised that the website is very new in the ecommerce platform as it created only three days ago, so it has collected no feedback from any of the customers anywhere.

We didn’t find out pages of Thecrockery. in website reviews on the social networking website as the web store shows no presence of itself on Facebook and Instagram. 

So, the website seems to have not been very active and popular among people as it has not yet received a single response from the buyers about itself.


Thecrockery is a very new website and seems to be a dubious one. The website lacks reviews and essential information regarding the web store.

Is Legit? It’s pretty unsure to say anything about Thecrockery. Currently, the web store is still waiting to receive a consumer response. So we recommend the consumer in this situation to avoid buying any items from Thecrockery till it gets any positive comments!

Which online shopping store do you go to for purchasing crockeries items? Please comment below your views!

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