{Unedited} New Viral Video Scandal 2023: Is It Trending on TWITTER, TIKTOK, Instagram, YOUTUBE, Telegram & Reddit Networks? Checkout Current Facts Here!

{Unedited} New Viral Video Scandal 2023: Is It Trending on TWITTER, TIKTOK, Instagram, YOUTUBE, Telegram & Reddit Networks? Checkout Current Facts Here!


The below article provides vital and unknown information about the New Viral Video Scandal 2023.

Have you observed any popular recordings this year? Do you are familiar the viral video of four Filipino young ladies? A significant number of you have proactively caught wind of this viral video.

Yet, for the people who know nothing, we will let you know what as of late occurred in the Philippines. The people who are as yet looking for the New Popular Video Embarrassment 2023 are perfectly positioned. Today we will clear the entirety of your disarray about this viral video.

Disclaimer: We advance no bogus news or unequivocal substance. We have assembled all the data from true and authentic media sources.

Which video is currently moving on the web?

A couple of days prior, a one-short lived TikTok video became a web sensation via virtual entertainment stages. In that video, four Filipino young ladies were grinning at the camera, and out of nowhere they began to pull their shirts individually. By lifting their shirts, they showed their chest area parts before the camera.

Where did the video circulate around the web?

The video circulated around the web on TWITTER. As the video contained express and disgusting substance, it was promptly taken out from TikTok. Be that as it may, inside a couple of moments, individuals began to share the video on Twitter and Reddit. Individuals are as yet sharing the video on different virtual entertainment locales.

Are the young ladies in the video Filipinos?

At the point when the TIKTOK video circulated around the web in Indonesia, individuals accepted that the young ladies were Indonesian. The video spread like quickly in the media of Indonesia. In any case, when the video spread in the Philippines, it didn’t take long to observe that the four young ladies were not Indonesian. They were Filipinos.

For what reason did individuals look for the video on Instagram?

Everybody realizes that the video circulated around the web on various virtual entertainment locales. Along these lines, individuals likewise accept that this video additionally became a web sensation on Instagram. That is the reason individuals are searching for the video on Instagram.

In any case, we might want to illuminate you that you can’t track down the video on Instagram. There is no hint of this viral video on Instagram.

Could we at any point track down the first video on YOUTUBE?

The genuine one-brief video isn’t accessible anyplace. Yet, you can track down short clasps of that video on YouTube. Numerous YouTubers made short and clear recordings from viral video cuts.

What was the response of customary individuals?

The locals of the Philippines and Indonesia find the video ill bred. The video acquired a ton of disdain from individuals.

Be that as it may, certain individuals think that it is intriguing. They shared the video on Reddit, Twitter, and other web-based entertainment destinations. You can check our “Online Entertainment Connections” area to see individuals’ remarks.

Online Entertainment Connections:


The video is as yet accessible on the web. You probably won’t get the whole unique video, yet you can see the short clasps of the video in the remark part of Twitter. You can click here to watch and pay attention to the narrative of the viral video of four Filipino young ladies.


Did you watch the video? If it’s not too much trouble, remark.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q.1 For what reason did the video get taken out from TikTok?

Ans. The video was against the local area law of TikTok.

Q.2 Is there any ID accessible of those young ladies?

Ans. No.

Q.3 Were the young ladies Indonesians?

Ans. No. They were Filipinos.

Q.4 Did the video circulate around the web in the primary seven day stretch of January 2023?

Ans. Indeed.

Q.5 What number of young ladies were there in the video?

Ans. Four.

Q.6 Is the first video accessible on Wire?

Ans. No.

Q.7 Was any young lady wearing glasses in the video?

Ans. Indeed. One young lady was wearing glasses.

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